Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Emmanuel's 4th Birthday.

Emmanuel turned 4 on October 17th. I can't believe how fast the last 4 years have gone. I still remember the day he was born and the many sleepless days, weeks, months following.

We had a party with friends from our church, it kind of got out of hand and turned into 26 people in our home. 14 of those people were kids. This year defiantly made me look forward to next year where we will invite a couple boys from his kindergarten class ( AHHHH Kindergarten, that is a whole other post).

All in All the party was a blast, Emmanuel had a Lightening McQueen birthday cake and homemade pizza (8 pizzas).
He received great gifts, manly from the cars movie and is seeming older already. One gift from Evan and I was a bicycle helmet so now Emmanuel is allowed to ride his bike on the side walk. I write this post with a lump in my throat and watery eyes thinking about yesterday when I took him to ride outside. Me having to run after him to keep up. He was gone and there was no looking back ( until he couldn't turn with out help :) ).
I will end this post with one last sentence ad many pictures, my first born is growing up.

* Having problem posting pictures, will try again later.

1 comment:

Tara said...

What a handsome guy :-)