Monday, February 4, 2008

growing up

My children our officially growing up. Emmanuel will be starting Kindergarten in the fall and Micah has gotten rid of her soother.
I contemplated making the title of this post Going crazy! Micah is driving me up the wall, we took her soother away during the day about 3 weeks ago and now we are doing nights and nap time.
We are working on day 3 with little sleep and a cranky over tired 2 1/2 year old. She was fine when we took the soother away during the day but at night it is a different story, she is always asking for it ( day and night), looking for it and either whining or crying.
I am glad we took the soother away it was getting old watching my toddler walking around with a soother in her mouth. She is also very good at talking but it is almost impossible to understand with the mouth plugged up.
Anyway I will keep plugging away because this to will come to an end and we will be free of soothers.

1 comment:

Lena said...

yeah-I feel ya... My daughter was about the same age when banned all soothers- ah fun times LOL!
It will be so nice once she is used to life without it!