Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Micah's Fever

Well all good things must come to an end, Micah's temp is back up to 104.1. She has also developed a rash on the trunk of her body and has blisters in her mouth. I have called health links and they said she should be seen if she gets worse nut if not it is okay to keep her home. Health links said that it sounded like she was getting measles and only time will tell. I am glad not to take her to the doctors but sad to see her so sick. Needless to say I think tonight is officially canceled, I think we will be celebrating Valentines day at home like the other years. There is always next year :).


Jobina said...

Oh, that's too bad, it's so disappointing when your plans are thwarted. I sure hope she gets better soon!

RLE said...

I'm sorry that your date got cancelled - that's rotten when you have been looking forward to it. Hope that you had a good evening anyways and that Micah is feeling better and if it is the chicken pox that she gets over it fast without too much itching and spots.