Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Nearing the finish line, hopefullly.

Due to the drop in Micah's weight over the last 2 weeks she has been rushed in to see her cardiologist. Normally it would take 2 months to get in with the doctor but Micah was given an appointment in 5 days ( that was last week). Micah's appointment is tomorrow morning at 8:10.
I am hoping that we are nearing the finish line, 2 years is a long time to be living in question, running to the doctor with a cold, monitoring her color, breathing and heart rate.

I am scared that the doctor is going to tell us to wait another 6 months and we will check again, we have heard that so many time. Along with, she needs to gain more weight and she wont be nearly as cranky when she learns to fall asleep on her own. By the way she has been falling asleep on her own for 6 months and the irritability is getting worse. I was starting to wonder if it was just the fact that she was almost 2 but it is a different cry then when she is trying to get her way or is mad.
It is almost like a sad and painful cry mixed together. I have gotten to the point that sometime I just walk away because nothing help.

I feel like we are at the point were I need to fight for my daughter. I don't want her to have the pain of surgery but I want her to have the results.

I am walking into the doctors office with my lists of symptoms and other weird quirks of her, I am going to fight this fight and get the ball rolling.

We will update everyone tomorrow or Friday.


TheButterfly2 said...

I'm sorry to hear this is still such a struggle for you guys and that her weight is dropping. It's good you got the appointment so quick. We're praying everything goes well. Do they have any other ideas what the irratibility could be from? That must be so frustrating. I feel for you because Alli is really sensitive and already at 11 months can have some pretty huge tantrums and it's so frustrating. I hope all goes well.

RLE said...

I hope that your appointment goes well and that you get all the answers you are looking for. I pray that God will give you peace about it and the ball will get rolling.

Tara said...

I can't imagine seeing Carter go through something like that. I'll be praying for you tommorow morning.

Jobina said...

Wow, figuring out health issues is so hard with adults, I'm sure it's twice as hard with kids! When they can't communicate at your level and tell you how they're feeling you have to do so much guess work. Thank goodness you got into the doctor so fast, I pray that they can improve on whatever is going on inside Micah.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.