Monday, August 24, 2009

much to say

I keep forming a post in my head but more stuff (exciting stuff) keeps popping up so I put the post on hold for the next couple days.

For now we are enjoying the last couple days of summer before Emmanuel starts grade one on Thursday. Man I feel like my kids are growing in leaps and bounds lately. I am excited for the changes in them but it slightly saddens me at the same time.
We have spent a couple more days at the water park with friends and have also hit the beach twice in the last week, we love the outdoors and sun in this house! :)

In my big update post I will have pictures from Micah's birthday and from our last couple days of summer.

Now off to meet a friend and school shopping this afternoon.


Dixie said...

Hi Mel,

I wish I had more time to read through your blog. It sounds like it's been quite a year for your family.

I just wanted to let you know that I sent you an email the other day to the address you left on my blog. Don't worry if you can't get back to me right away, I just wanted to make sure that I sent it to the right place and didn't spill a whole bunch of personal info to the wrong email address! :)

All the best.

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