Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Yesterday morning I needed to go in for an ultrasound because my doctor didn't think that my uterus was totally cleared out. I got a call from my doctor's office yesterday afternoon to find out that not everything is gone but is right at the edge of my uterus and looks like it will makes it's way out really soon. As for right now I don not need a D&C ( * insert happy dance, or as happy as I get), I am supposed to wait it out for a couple more weeks to see what happens.

Thank you for every one's thoughts, everyday is hard, everyday presents new challenges all I can do is keep breathing.


TheButterfly2 said...

Thanks for the update. I'm sorry to hear you are still dealing with the physical aspect of all this. I'm sending you another hug. Lots of love!

Lena said...

Thanks for sharing, I am so sorry for all you have been through. It just breaks my heart hearing about another person dealing with the pain of miscarriage. I will pray for you!