Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I have decided that I will not stop blogging. I don't want to leave my blog on the depressing note down swing that it has been on lately.
I have no news to share, no feelings to talk about, and nothing in general to share.

I am just trying to live life one day at a time.
I will be back when I have something upbeat and interesting to say.


TheButterfly2 said...

I don't mind if you share non-upbeat stuff. It's good just to hear what's going on with you and besides, when everyone's always happy and upbeat it makes my life feel even more depressing. It's nice to know that other people understand how I feel.

Anyway, I'm glad you are not stopping the blog. Looking forward to hearing more from you...whatever and whenever that might be.

RLE said...

I was pretty much going to say the same things as MOAM. I am glad you are not quitting - I love to read how you are doing, whether its good or bad.