Thursday, July 24, 2008

A good cause

I have been given probably what I consider the greatest opportunity, Calgary has the walk for the cure this weekend. It is a 60 km walk for Breast Cancer, the participants walk 35 km on Saturday and do the remaining 25 on Sunday. Goodlife Fitness has been asked to be in Charge of warming up the participants on Saturday morning. Myself along with 3 of the other instructors will be heading to the Round up center for 6:30 a.m to lead a mass of people in a warm up.

When I found out I was going to be involved I was speechless, I feel so blessed and honored to be involved in such an event.
God has been doing so much wonderful things in my life, I have spent the last day just thanking him because I feel like I have no words to express how I truly feel.

I feel like I have the opportunity to use my passion for encourage and help others, I never want to look past that or lose it.

Hope everyone enjoys there weekend.


Allison said...

very cool!

Jobina said...

what a great opportunity! Have fun!

RLE said...

That's awesome that you got to be a part of the weekend. And BTW, I am not getting bored with your posts...