Thursday, August 16, 2007

I am sitting at the computer in absolute bliss, my house is silent. Micah is sleeping and Emmanuel is watching cartoons, and for the moment all company is gone. We had Evan's parents out from Saturday at 8:30 a.m until last night. We had a wonderful time with them but it is nice to have my home back. I have a week to get things in order then my parent will be coming out.
On Sunday Micah had her 2nd birthday and we had a party, what a wild day. The house was full and lively, it was great.
Micah feel in love with the 4 princesses cake at superstore and then we found the same design at Dairy Queen. So we went with both, not on purpose of course. I ordered the cake from Superstore a week ahead of time and on Saturday Evan and I found the Ice cream cake and Dairy Queen said they could have it done on time so we order one. Long store short Evan thought I would cancel the order from superstore and I thought he did it, it didn't get done so we ended up with 2 cakes.

Evan and I bought Micah a Kitchen and she received lost of things that go along with it, She also got a little leap pad book reader, a cabbage patch kid and tons of other things. We appreciated everyone that could be there is person or thought.

On a completely different note I saw our family doctor today to get Micah's blood test results. These test where taken a couple weeks ago by her cardiologist.
The good news is that all test came back normal. The not so good news is Evan and I are starting to feel like we are living the mystery Diagnosis show on TLC. Micah weight has only drop a little bit more which is good but her attitude isn't changing. Her doctor now has passed her case on to a pediatrician and we are been sent to a support group for parents with chronically unhappy or strong willed children. He isn't sure is the group will help Micah because they aren't sure what is wrong yet but he is more concerned about Mine, Evans and Emmanuel's well being. We have been listening to crying for a long time already.
we will keep everyone up to date as everything unfolds. We are still praying that Micah just out grows it, but it also would be nice to know what is going on and how to make things better for her.


TheButterfly2 said...

Happy birthday Micah!

I'm sorry that things are still in that "unknown" phase for you. THat is the absolute worst. I have often felt so upset over the fact that they never know what's wrong with my health but it would be so much worse if it was Alli's. I can definitely identify with that frustration of the unknown. I hope they either find something soon or she outgrows it. We think of you guys and pray for you and miss you often!

Take care,

RLE said...

Sounds like a great birthday for Micah. Sorry that there are still no answers for you on the medical front. I pray you can find some support and options to try in this group and that Micah will outgrow this.

TheButterfly2 said...

Thanks for the comment on "Confessions of an extended breastfeeder". I am hoping that weaning Alli will go very similarily to how you weaned Micah. I just want the final weaning to be quick and simple because we are both ready. For know I am enjoying the closeness while I can.

TheButterfly2 said...

Hey Mel,
Come enter my contest for a gymboree gift certificate! Only three people have entered so far so your chances of winning are pretty good!